Falcons Athletics
Fauquier High School
Boys Varsity Soccer
Team News.
8.0 years ago @ 11:27PM by Coach Garcia

The FHS Boys Soccer program is selling Team Scarves for $20! Show your support for your favorite team by purchasing one!
Order forms for players can be found in the "Team Files" section, or to purchase one you can get in contact with Coach Garcia via email at Jgarcia@freedomfutbolacademy.com
8.0 years ago @ 3:49PM

Varsity Required Items include:
- Red FHS Soccer Shirt
- Black FHS Soccer Hoodie
- Blue Training Bib w/ Number
Orders MUST be placed by March 5th. All Varsity required items, along with any additional spirit wear items can be purchsed online at: www.chapmanspiritwear.com (login: fhsboyssoccer ; password: spring2016).
8.0 years ago @ 5:14PM by Coach Garcia
Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in this years tryouts. The following players made the 2015/2016 Roster:
JV Soccer
- Bryan Medoza
- Kaung Sithu
- Cole Trussell
- Luke Byvik
- Eberto Arellano
- Adrian Jimenez
- AJ Woods
- Will Pearce
- Tanner Working
- Ben Sexton
- Joe Serrano
- Adolfo Gutierrez
- Robby Thomas
- Jerry Bejger
- Devin Draper
- Oliver Wrigley
- Jack Mayorga
- Meison Perez
- Julien Beaulieu
Varsity Roster:
- Ryan Afshari
- Xavier Barreda
- Omar Lemus
- Nick Pastorelli
- Tony Correa
- Khyrie Hughes.
- Jared Trussell
- Francisco Uribe
- Ivan Cruz
- Frankie Strano
- Matt Page
- Christian Bonnaire
- Daniel Duca
- Tyler Ifft
- Enrique Mejia
- Michael Bagli
- Edwin Perez
- Miguel Cortez
- Ty Foster
1st Practice will be from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the New Gym on Friday, February 26th.