Falcons Athletics
Fauquier High School
Boys Varsity Soccer
Team News.
4.0 years ago @ 12:37PM
The bus will leave at 4 for away games. Players that are late to the bus will lose playing time. If you want to pick your child up at an away game you simply need to sign them out or else they must take the bus back.
4.0 years ago @ 1:20PM
The varsity team will be participating in an event held by John Champe High School this Saturday, February 29th. The preliminary schedule is listed below. The players will get two 1-hour sessions with college coaches as well as the opportunity to scrimmage 3 different teams for 40 minutes. The bus will leave FHS at 6:45 a.m. If you have any questions please contact Coach Davenport at chase.davenport@fcps1.org
Date |
Sat, Feb 29 |
Check-in |
8:00-8:30am |
Coaches Talk |
8:30-9:00am |
Session 1 |
9:00-10:00am |
Break |
10:00-10:10am |
Session 2 |
10:10-11:10am |
Lunch |
11:10-12:30pm |
Match 1 |
12:30-1:10pm |
Break |
1:10-1:20pm |
Match 2 |
1:20-2:00pm |
Break |
2:00-2:10pm |
Match 3 |
2:10-2:50pm |
4.0 years ago @ 8:54PM
Tryouts will begin on Monday, February 24th.and will run until Friday, February 28th. For Monday, we will meet on the track at 3:00 to do some timed runs and will then head to the WARF Fields for tryouts until 5:30. You need to have running shoes for the track, as well as shin guards and cleats for the WARF Fields.
Tryouts will be broken down into two groups. All return varsity players, juniors, and seniors will tryout together. All freshmen and sophomores that didn't play varsity last year will tryout together.
If it rains and we are moved inside, tryouts will run from 5:30-7:30. We will meet in the main building lobby. You will still need shin guards and indoor shoes if we are inside.
You need your VHSL Physical turned in and have to complete your concussion testing with Coach Grimley before you are allowed to tryout.
If you haven't yet joined the Remind App, please do so as soon as possible and join FHS Boys Soccer to get all updates on tryouts and the season ahead.
4.0 years ago @ 10:33AM
Tryouts are right around the corner. Every player must have an active VHSL Physical turned in to Coach Grimley before tryouts. Also, if the player is a freshmen or sophomore or hasn't tried out for a sport before, they must complete the Impact/Concussion testing. Sign-up sheets are outside of Coach Grimley's office.